About Casey

Casey is such a delightful dog but one who will need a very special home. Please read all the way through. If you feel like you are the one that can meet her needs, feel free to reach out.
Casey came with a good bit of training and a healthy dose of timid, worried and anxious behaviors. Some of her history is unknown but I’m guessing she had none or very little socialization or exposure in her early life. Because of that she will likely remain a worried/ timid dog to some degree her entire life. Casey is on medication to help with this and will need to have this condition monitored her entire life. The foster home has been working with a vet specialist to help with medications and keeping this support is important.

Casey has a couple of health related things you should be aware of. When getting her spay the vet noticed on ECG she had a First Degree AV Heart Block. Not a huge deal and can be easily managed with medication. With optical evaluation the vet noticed a degree of reflectivity “glitter” in her eyes. She thought it would be good at some point consult an ophthalmologist.
Casey needs a home that keeps as much routine as possible. I think her best home would be rural with a huge fully fenced yard, someone who is going to accept that Casey is always going to have some level of fear/timidness – not home that will push her into events or experiences that she’s not ready for. Men have been a trigger for her in her past. In her foster home she has met a couple of men – one she went right up to immediately and was fine being handled by him. The other man she was on alert, barked and then retreated to her crate. She can also be timid with women but it seems men (from history) have been more of a cause for stress. Her home will be adept at working with timid pups. She has not shown one bit of aggression but more retreat behaviors.

Since coming into foster care Casey has thrived on raw food diet. While it’s not a condition of adoption it would be nice if she could continue eating a raw diet in her new home. She’s a small girl weighing in at 30 pounds.
Now that you’ve made your way through some of Casey’s health/behavioral challenges, you should know that she is a wonderful dog, the only dog I’ve fostered that I strongly considered adopting. She is very athletic, goofy and silly and once she’s in her trust human mode will curl up in bed on a Sunday morning for hours and be just fine. We’ve been working on training tricks. I’ve made some accommodations in her training because she needs time to acclimate to whatever physical objects that I use for trick training. I can talk at length with potential adopter.
She has conquered some of her fears. When she first arrived she spent many hours a day hiding in the yard or house. She would not come when called and would instead run. She’s so much better now. Again, she will need a large fully fenced yard and is not a candidate for off-leash activities without having a fence.

Casey lives peacefully with four other dogs. She’s been exposed to multiple other dogs as the foster home has a small dog daycare. Casey spends play time by engaging in chase me, herding the group sometimes or healthy fun bitey face but she has a distinct quirk. She will nip/snap at the snout of some dogs when she’s aroused or overly stimulated. She seems to only target some dogs. It was reported she had some arguments with another dog in her previous home. I would not classify her as aggressive – and I have not witnessed that side of her. I think with an observant owner who keeps Casey’s emotional health at the fore you won’t see this behavior often. If you have a quiet well mannered dog I could see Casey having a canine companion – let’s chat.
Miss Casey likes to hoard toys in the crate, too cute. I don’t leave toys out anymore because she also guards her collection from other dogs. She growls and snaps at my guys if they get too close. Thankfully I have dogs that don’t partake in arguing back.
She is fine being handled, groomed, dressing up as a reindeer and much more.
Casey, like many dogs, has many many layers to her and I could talk about so much more.
Please do not inquire about a particular dog until you have an APPROVED application on file.
- Female
- 2.5 yo
- NO
- Maybe (see below)
- Unknown
- Yes
- Yes
- Maybe (see below)
- NO