About Gryffin

UPDATE (July 2021): Gryffin is a brand new dog! After having some of his medication for his epilepsy updated Gryffin has become so much less sensitive to sounds, and is really living his best life! This happy boy doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and will make someone such an amazingly sweet companion! With some help from friends, Gryffin attempted to give a short interview to “reintroduce” himself.

Meet Gryffin! Gryffin’s foster mom thinks he might be the best foster she’s ever had (Shhh! Don’t tell the others, she loved them too!) and so she’s going to write a small novel about him! On one hand this 6 year old gentle giant is the perfect boy and everything people look for in a dog: great with dogs, cats, kids, every person he’s ever met, and fairly low key for a Border Collie! On the other hand we know that due to Gryffin having epilepsy it will take a special adopter for us to find his forever home.

Gryffin came into rescue in March 2021 afraid. Very, very afraid. He spent much of the first few weeks in his foster home in his crate or trying to find a good hiding spot where he could just disappear, and his previous family reported that he would spend all day hiding under the bed and in his crate at their house as well. They loved him dearly, but knew that he needed a fresh start somewhere new. Since settling into his foster home, having his seizure medication adjusted and being allowed to be brave at his own pace, Gryffin has made amazing progress with learning about the wonderful things life has to offer and now leads the “regular” life of a ball obsessed, not wanting to be left out, Border Collie!
Gryffin completely ignores cats and other dogs, and his canine foster brother considers him a very good houseguest. He loves everyone that walks through the front door and easily wins them over with his goofy, sweet personality and ability to ever so gently (yet also demandingly) place a ball directly into their hand. Gryffin has, shall we say, his own way of doing things, and it is usually quite endearing despite the fact that you might scratch your head at his logic at times.

Gryffin happily tags along on all his foster homes adventures, especially if it means a ride in the car (one of his favorite things to do). He enjoys following his foster mom around everywhere and trying to “help” with nearly all the house and yard chores (spoiler alert, he’s not that helpful). He also does great at staying close in his partially fenced yard. He really has no desire to go anywhere that his person isn’t going and responds great to his name. In his previous home Gryffin was hit by a car, and on walks he can sometimes stare down passing cars a little too closely for his foster mom’s comfort. We suspect this interest would be an issue in a home near a busy street or where he had access to cars passing by. A fenced yard is preferred but unfenced homes will be considered on a case by case basis.

Gryffin still has moments when some sounds or new places can cause him to become anxious, and so his forever family will need to help him settle into his new life and routines at a pace he feels comfortable.
Gryffin takes medication twice daily for his epilepsy. His forever new home should be prepared to support him and continue his medical care. It is unfortunately not possible to know whether needs related to this will arise as epilepsy can present differently in every dog.
Gryffin is truly a special dog who will need a special home. He will love his person with every ounce of himself, and deserves a family who will do the same.

Likes: squeaky tennis balls, every person he’s ever met, plain tennis balls, CAR RIDES, fetching tennis balls, curling up to cuddle with you, tearing up tennis balls, food!, sleeping with fan blowing on him full blast, a good hiding spot for when scary noises happen, FOOD, squeezing himself in between you and the counter in case you drop food
Dislikes: thunder, loud motorcycles, airplanes, fireworks, gunshots, bugs flying around the house, being on the wrong side of the door, being left out
Please do not inquire about a particular dog until you have an APPROVED application on file.
- Male
- 6 years
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- N/A
- Preferred
- NO