About Hamlet

Sometimes as we’re getting to know a dog that comes into NEBCR, it becomes apparent that their best forever home is the foster home they’ve been fortunate enough to find themselves in. That’s the case with Hamlet.
Hamlet came into rescue as a young pup, but far from an easy one. At only 15 weeks old he had already developed very severe resource guarding issues. Thanks to an experienced foster home who was both willing and able to work with Hamle’t’s particular issues, NEBCR was able to take him in and give him a chance when his options were frankly, quite limited.
Hamlet has been in rescue for nearly a year now while his foster home continued to get to know him and work extensively on his behavior issues. During that time, NEBCR also had him thoroughly vetted to ensure that there were no underlying health issues contributing to his behavior. While Hamlet is thankfully completely healthy, and has made some progress, his behaviors still need careful management and continued work.
It has became apparent in the past year that the home best suited to Hamlet and his particular challenges, while also able provide him with the terrific life every young border collie deserves, is his foster home. And of course this wouldn’t be the right match for Hamlet if, despite everything, they couldn’t help but love him.
NEBCR is dedicated to giving every dog we take in the best chance at a happy life in a home that is the right match for them. At the same time, we’re committed to ensuring that we are responsible about the dogs we adopt out to the public. In this case, thanks to a highly experienced and very dedicated foster home, we were able to do both of these things and give Hamlet his happily ever after.
We are grateful to Hamlet’s foster home for being there and willing to take a chance on him when his future was very uncertain, and for being committed to making sure he lives a long and happy life.
- Male
- Young