About Oreo

UPDATE: Oreo has now been in rescue for approx. 8 months and during that time, many issues have come to the surface – including generalized anxiety and instances of aggressive behavior (under several circumstances). His foster home has been working with Oreo and has made some progress, and he is not a “dangerous dog” per se, but it’s become clear that making yet another transition in his young life would likely undo all of the good work that has been done, and this would not be in anyone’s best interest – especially not Oreo’s. As our goal is always to do what’s best for the dogs in our care, we have made the decision that what is best for everyone right now, is for Oreo to remain with his foster home permanently. It’s an environment that he has become the most comfortable in, where he knows the routine, and most importantly, where he is well loved and with those who know how to manage him best, while continuing to do the hard work of rehabilitating his issues. NEBCR is very grateful to Oreo’s foster home for being so dedicated to him for now and for the long term, and we’re very happy for Oreo that his foster home will now become his forever home.
Oreo is a sweet and loyal 1-year old, medium-to-high energy border collie who loves to play, run and be a part of the pack. He wants to please and be by your side forever. He has a tail wag that causes his entire hindquarters to rotate like a windmill – that’s how enthusiastic he is to see you. He loves to be groomed and towel-dried after coming in from a walk in the rain. His hello greeting can melt your heart.

Oreo landed in rescue through no fault of his own. He proved too much for a young family that didn’t have the time to meet his needs. In his foster home, he resides with an older male border collie and cat. Oreo gets along with our 11-year old dog and they have enjoyed playing gently with each other. There are times when Oreo doesn’t read our dog’s signals to stop.
Oreo is playful with other friendly dogs. He could be reactive if he feels threatened or isn’t correctly reading the other dog. He has done well in dog training classes (indoors and out) with 8 other dogs without a problem. Oreo is curious about the cat to the point of sticking his nose in the places she hides and running to find her when she meows. I would not recommend a home with cats.

Oreo is terrific at leaping, sprinting, and catching balls and frisbees. He plays catch with a long lead and we don’t hold it because he always brings the ball back. We walk/run with him on-lead at all times. He has been off leash but isn’t consistent yet on recall and he prefers to stay with my dog who is an off-leash dog. He needs to be in a fenced in yard.
Oreo needs rigorous workouts or playtime 2 – 3 times a day. His bathroom routine is a walk outside 2 times in the morning, 2 times in the afternoon and once before he goes to bed inside his kennel.

He is house-trained and a food/ball motivated dog. We have spent time training him with basic commands (verbal and hand) such as “sit”, “lay down”, “stay”, “stand”, “say hello”, “off”, “walk”, “leave it”, “paws up” (stepping onto a bucket) and basic redirects. He learns very quickly but practice makes perfect. Oreo is a very intelligent dog (and we all knew that of the breed). He is very motivated to be a good companion and to please. Since he is a young dog and has some things that need to be worked on, we strongly recommend continued participation in a training class.

Bad habits which require more focus
He is jittery about walking near roads and loud outdoor machine noises. We have not gone on walks on trails yet. His reflection at night in windows makes him bark but “leave it” redirects his attention. He has a very good nose for prey outside and indoor cats. He has a bad habit of searching out food on counters and low surfaces and jumping uninvited on couches.
Oreo has a hard time with redirects when super distracted outside but will eventually come to you with a strong “HERE” which is another good reason to keep him on a short lead for a bit. We are working on many of these in his training. He has started to meet friends and workers who come over during this pandemic with a little less trepidation and through consistent training. He needs structure, repetition, consistency, and patience. It has taken Oreo 1-2 months to feel comfortable and trust us in his new environment, and it’s likely his transition to his forever home will require time and patience to give him time to build up trust with his new family as well.
He sleeps and eats near his steel kennel (he can open canvas crates). It is draped at night with blankets to keep him calm. We have a soft crate anchored in my Jeep and he happily jumps right into it. He is calm and relaxed in the car and enjoys the ride.

Oreo would do well in a home with older children and outdoor people. His ideal family will be one with the time, energy, patience and dedication to help him continue to learn to be come a well-mannered, happy companion. We will require Oreo to continue work with a professional trainer and his new family must also be committed to practice all of the lessons at home consistently. There will be a great reward for both Oreo and the new owner if that can be accomplished. In my opinion, Oreo would be a wonderful candidate for agility training.
Finally, it took Oreo at least 1-2 months to transition into his new environment and he is still getting used to it, so he needs patience, guidance, structure and consistency for a smoother transition. He is definitely worth it.
Please do not inquire about a particular dog until you have an APPROVED application on file.
- Male
- 1 year
- Older
- Yes
- NO
- Yes
- Yes
- NO